[Guide] Installing Docker and Docker-Compose on Ubuntu

This article is for people who have just installed Ubuntu on a new system and want to add Docker and Docker-Compose to your system, but you’re not sure on the exact steps. As of the time of writing this guide, I am using Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS, and installed Docker version 19.03.13, and Docker-Compose version 1.27.4. If you are running an older version of Ubuntu, these instructions should work with no modifications. Newer Ubuntu releases should also work eventually, but there will be a delay between when Ubuntu releases a new version and when Docker updates their package archive to work with the updated version.


This guide assumes you have already installed Ubuntu, either the server or desktop version will work. You should also download and install all available updates, running sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade from the terminal, or using the Ubuntu Software application from the desktop. Install any available updates and reboot if necessary before starting this installation.

Step by step instructions

Every command listed below will need to be run in the terminal. Most of the commands are preceeded by the sudo command, which lets you run a specific command as the “Super User” root account. Virtually all commands in linux are case-sensitive, so your best bet is to copy and paste the commands directly. Or, if you are unable to copy and paste, please double-check the command before you run it.

SAFETY NOTE Running an unknown command as root can be dangerous, and you should only run commands from a trusted source. I added an explanation for each command that explains exactly what you are running and why it’s needed, but as with any information you find on the Internet, you should verify it independently before blindly following along. In the case of this guide, you can find instructions very similar to these directly at the Docker website here: Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu | Docker Documentation

Installing Docker

0. Install APT HTTPS transport and GNUPG agent

This first set of commands installs the packages necessary to access other packages over the HTTPS protocol (apt-transport-https), and to securely store digital keys, so the Docker installation packages can be downloaded securely and verified before they are installed.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y apt-transport-https gnupg-agent curl

You should get an output similar to the following:

1. Download the Docker PGP key and add it to your keystore

Now that you’ve added the GNUPG Agent, you need to add the key from Docker to your secure key store. This command downloads the public key from the Docker website and adds it to the GNUPG digital key store you just installed in the previous step. This key will be used in the next step to verify that the Docker package you downloaded is legitimate.

SAFETY NOTE This command runs curl, a program which can connect to remote servers to send and receive data. The curl program itself isn’t inherently bad, but the information it downloads could potentially harm your system. As with the commands above, please only download items from trusted sources.

curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -

The proper output of this command is a simple OK

1.5 Verify the key installed properly

Run this command:

sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88

to search the key store for the key you just added. Output should match the following:

Ensure that the second line of the output exactly matches this Docker key:
9DC8 5822 9FC7 DD38 854A E2D8 8D81 803C 0EBF CD88

2. Add the official Docker repository to your local sources list

The APT package tool will only download packages from a small list of sources. By default, this is just the servers run by Ubuntu. The command apt-add-repository adds entries to that list, specifically the Docker package server in this case.

SAFETY NOTE As with the above commands, make sure you are only adding trusted sources to your package list.

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

Output should be similar to this:

3. Update the list of available packages and install the Docker engine package

This command is doing essentially the same thing as the first step, but now that you’ve added the Docker package server to your sources list, apt is going to download the list of available packages from Docker as well as your standard Ubuntu packages. Once the list is updated, it installs the most current Docker package from the Docker servers.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y docker-ce

The output from this command will scroll on the screen for a while as the packages are installing, but the final result should look similar to this:

4. Verify that the Docker engine was installed properly and is running

Now that the package tool has installed Docker, you want to verify that it’s running properly. Run this command:

sudo systemctl status docker

It should show output like this. Verify that the third line down shows Active: active (running). If it shows inactive or failed or anything else, something didn’t work properly.

Once you’ve verified the Docker engine is running, press Q to get back to the terminal and continue on with the rest of the steps.

5. Add your current user account to the Docker group

By default, only the root user can work with Docker containers. From a security standpoint, this is fine, but it can be a bit inconvenient to preface all of your Docker commands with sudo. Adding your account to the Docker group allows you to run Docker commands as your own account. Run the following:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER && exec su -l $USER

And enter your password to confirm. You won’t get any output from this command, it will just drop you back to the terminal.

6. Check your work

Now that Docker is installed and running, and you’ve been added to the Docker group, verify that you can connect to the Docker engine by running the following command:

docker --version

You should get an output similar to the following:


7. Final checks

At this point, the Docker engine is installed, and your user account can use it, so let’s run our first container to check. Enter the following:

docker run hello-world

It will download the hello-world container from the Docker Hub and you will see a message similar to this:

Congratulations, your Docker engine is working. If you’d like, you can remove the hello-world container now. Run docker system prune -a to clean out any stopped containers and remove any unused images, which in this case should just be the hello-world container.

Installing Docker-Compose

Now that you have Docker installed, you can add Docker-Compose to make it easier to manage multiple containers.

8. Download the Docker-Compose binary

We use curl again in this command to download the latest version of Docker-Compose from the Docker Github page. As of the time this guide is being written, the latest version is 1.27.4. Before you download, you may want to check the release page to see if a newer version has been added. Go to https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/latest and check the version number. If necessary, modify the command to swap 1.27.4 to whatever version is listed there. The rest of the command will remain the same.

SAFETY NOTE As mentioned before, the curl command can download information from remote servers. In this case, we are downloading a binary that will run on your local system. If you aren’t copying and pasting the command below, triple-check the URL to ensure it is absolutely correct before you run the command.

sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.27.4/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

The command will display a chart as it downloads and return you to the terminal once it’s complete, like so:

9. Make the Docker-Compose binary executable

The binary file downloaded above can’t be executed by default. You need to change the permissions to allow the system to execute it by running the following command:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

This command shows no output when it’s run successfully, like so:


If you get an error message, double-check your typing and try again.

10. Check your work

This last step just verifies that the docker-compose binary can execute properly. Run the following:

docker-compose --version

and you should get output similar to this:


Closing Notes

Now that you have Docker and Docker-Compose installed on your system, you’ll want to create a folder structure to hold your compose files and persistent container data. Here’s how I do it.

For a basic system with a single compose file, I create a folder structure like so:


The base /opt/docker folder contains the docker-compose.yml file and an optional .env file. The subfolder config stores separate subfolders for each container in the compose file (pihole and unifi in my case). Note that the containerd folder is created automatically when you install the Docker engine, and the error opening dir message in that screenshot isn’t an actual error, it’s just that my user account doesn’t have permissions to see what’s inside that folder.

If I want to run multiple compose files, I create a similar folder structure, but with separate folders for each compose file, like this:


In this case, the root /opt/docker folder contains no files, just a subfolder for each compose file. The subfolders contain their own docker-compose.yml file and .env files, and then each container has a folder inside the config folder of the parent compose folder.

I’ve seen a few different approaches to this, some people prefer to keep their config inside their home folder, others use a separate drive mounted under the /mnt folder. Really any of these approaches will work. Just find one that you like and stick with it.

That’s it, you’ve reached the end of the guide. If you have any questions, please feel free to reply below or contact me on Discord.

Revision History

04-Nov-2020 - Updated initial apt command to include the curl package which may not be installed by default in the Desktop version of Ubuntu. Also added step numbers to make navigation easier.


Nice, good stuff!

Since I usually have to follow the same steps every time I setup a new server (either a VPS, a VMs or a box), which is quite often, some time ago I put together a simple script that does it for me:

It basically installs Docker, Docker Compose, zsh, zprezto (zsh manager) and few other CLI tools like curl, htop, git, vim, etc.

Might help somebody as well.

ok now segue way this guide into the quicksync transcoding guide as a test to see if Plex can QS transcode from within a docker system on ubuntu. ty

I can confirm that QS transcode works perfectly in a container on Ubuntu, and it’s super easy to do as well. First, you need to set up your container config folder, like I mentioned in the closing notes above. This folder will contain your Plex config and metadata, so make sure it’s on a fast SSD with a decent amount of free space. If you choose to use either of the /opt/docker folder structures I mentioned above, you’ll need to create the folders using sudo and then run chown to give your normal user account access. Here’s a oneliner that will do it all for you:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/docker/config/plex && sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) /opt/docker

Next, you need to create your compose file. Open your favorite text editor, and copy and paste the following code block:

version: "2.1"
    image: linuxserver/plex
    container_name: plex
    network_mode: host
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=America/Chicago
      - VERSION=latest
      - /opt/docker/config/plex:/config
      - /mnt/media:/media
      - /dev/shm:/transcode
      - /dev/dri:/dev/dri
    restart: unless-stopped

You’re going to need to modify a few of these lines according to your local config. One quick note about editing this file, it’s using the YAML syntax, which means that the number of spaces indenting each level need to be consistent. I’m using 2 spaces above. If you need to add any additional path mappings, make sure the beginning of the line lines up with the other paths. And also, you need to use spaces, tabs aren’t valid.

First, you need to figure out your UID and GID. Open a terminal on your Ubuntu box, make sure you’re logged in as whichever user you used for the Docker installation above, and run the command id. You will get an output similar to this:

Your UID and GID will most likely be 1000, unless you’ve created multiple users. If your IDs are different, change the PUID and PGID environment variables.

Next, change the TZ variable to match your local time zone if necessary, using this list to find the appropriate zone.

Leave the VERSION variable set as latest, unless you want to use a specific version of the container.

Next is the volume mappings. In my example, I have a folder for the Plex metadata and config, a folder for my media, and I’m mapping the built-in shared RAM disk for Plex transcoding, to save wear and tear on my SSD. One quick note on mappings, each mapping consists of a host path and a container path, separated by a colon. If you’ve added a few containers to your Unraid box, you’re probably already familiar with these terms, but just as a quick refresher, the path in this Unraid screenshot:

would be entered as /mnt/user/appdata/plex:/config in a docker-compose file.

So, in the first volume mapping, change the host path /opt/docker/config/plex to match whatever folder you created above. The container path /config will stay the same. Make sure the colon stays in place.

The next volume mapping in my example is for my media folder. I use a single folder for my media, but if you have multiple folders you just need to add additional lines. For this mapping, the container path isn’t set in stone. I use /media, but you can use /movies and /tv or whatever folders you have already set up.

My last mapping is the shared RAM disk. This is optional, and only recommended if you have at least 16GB of system RAM. Check out this post I made on the subject for more details. If you don’t want to use the shared RAM disk, you can eliminate this line and Plex will use the default folder inside the Library folder for transcoding.

That’s the end of the edits you need to make. The last few lines enable the use of the QuickSync iGPU inside the container, and configure the container to restart automatically.

Ok, now that you have the file modified to match your local config, you can save the file to your ubuntu box. It needs to be named exactly docker-compose.yml and I would recommend putting it either in the parent folder of the config folder you created in the first step, or in your user’s home folder.

That’s it, now to test your work, run docker-compose up -d from the folder where you saved the file. You should see Docker start to pull the necessary images to run Plex, and if it worked, it should look something like this when it’s finished:

Now you can log in to your shiny new Plex container using the standard web interface to walk through the initial setup, adding libraries, etc.


I love you

One more thing. If i already followed your plex data migration guide from scratch do i need to uninstall plex and/or reverse any of the stuff I did (ex the fstab commands for the shares) before going down the Plex-in-Docker road outlined here?

No, the fstab mounts and library folder will just be mapped into your container when you set it up. The only thing you would need to do is chown the library folder from plex:plex to your user and group. And I would recommend moving that library folder into the /opt/docker/config/plex folder.

I haven’t done much digging myself, but just curious on your choosing of using version 2.1 for compose? Seems like the current is 3.8:

I copied the compose file almost verbatim from the linuxserver Docker hub page for their Plex container, which states it is compatible with v2 compose files. It may work with later versions as well but why fix what isn’t broken? Docker Hub

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the quick and dirty

curl -sSL get.docker.com | sudo bash
sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.27.4/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Thanks for this I set this up a few weeks ago and this made it all painless. I really appreciate how well you documented it.

The only issue I had is that I was not able to continue to use autofs and had to revert back to fstab which I find is painful