[Guide] Hardware Transcoding: The JDM way! QuickSync and NVENC

hey y’all, I have a geforce 750ti laying around. I haven’t had a chance to experiment with it yet. I was wondering if anyone had personal experience with a card of this generation.

from reading upon the nvenc and nvdec, it looks like it can decode h.264, but it can’t decode h.265. So it wouldn’t be able to decode 4k (yes, I know the advice is not to transcode 4k, but I have enough wonky clients in the house where it just sometimes happens). Does that limitation sound right?

You really should avoid using it. A dedicated QSV transcoding box can be had for under $200, and it’ll do everything you want.

This one’s overkill, but it’s a really good deal.

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yeah I hear you. in my case, I already have the 750ti on hand, so it’s free. (actually, my server currently has a 3060ti in there, and it works fine, but I may be removing it soon).

i saw a listing yesterday on facebook marketplace for a guy selling and 8th gen desktop for $50. unfortunately he sold it before I could act.

Hi guys,

I want to buy this -

HP ProDesk 600 G2 SFF #L1Q39AV

Processor: Intel ® Core ™ i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz, 3192 MHz, 4 Core(‘S),
Intel ® HP Graphics 530

Good enough?

Thanks for the help

You’ll want 7th gen or newer if you have any H265 content. Look for 8GB of RAM as well. Still should be lots of prebuilt options that fit the bill, and don’t shy away from fewer cores either.

Hi, longtime appreciator of the guide. I have been successfully running Plex hardware transcoding in a docker container on an HP-S01.

Yesterday …

EDIT: …I hate to say it, but you know what I’m gonna say: a reboot fixed it. I wonder what the issue was. Oh well. Read on if you’re bored, otherwise ignore this post!

… I powered down the system and moved it to another room. I turned it back on, noticed Plex was down, and attempted to start it:

$ docker-compose up -d
Creating plex ... error

ERROR: for plex  Cannot start service plex: error 
gathering device information while adding custom 
device "/dev/dri": no such file or directory

This references the docker devices mapping which lets the container use the iGPU. Per @Mthrboard 's instructions here. It’s always worked smoothly in the past. I’m not sure why a cold start would make it not work now. The system has been rebooted before.

Commenting out /dev/dri permits the Plex container to load perfectly, but without hardware transcoding I presume.

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Hey guys!

With the whole Plex data leak does anyone know how to claim your server?

Navigate to IP:Port/manage of your Plex server

Try this:

Figured it out ya’ll! Somehow after changing my password and logging out of everything, I didn’t have permission to access server. Also all the var files were gone.
So I basically…
-restored my HP to a few days ago.
-went to Plex via myipofmyplexserver:32400
-I was able to finally claim my old server.

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Hey! I’ve got a plex server running in a docker container on Ubuntu 22.04. I’m running a 12th gen intel processor. Hardware transcoding with quicksync works on h264 content but not on h265 content, even though the cpu should support it. Does anyone know why that’s the case?

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Details please.

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I’ve come across a refurbished system with the following specs:

8gb DDR4
128gb SATA SSD

The price is pretty good at 140 Euros but I am unsure about some things:

-power consumption
It’s not a T CPU and ark lists the max TDP at 51w, is there any indication how much this PC will draw at idle? I’m not looking for something I have to manually turn on and off every day to conserve power

-NFS requirement
I have my media on a Synology DS918+ that I use SMB to access. I see that it supports NFS but I’m not sure what switching from SMB to NFS entails and how difficult that is.

-4k HDR transcoding
The DS918+ I have does support 4k HDR transcoding in a very limited capacity, would the 7100 fare much better here? It’s not really a priority as I’m more focused on 1080p but I’m curious how much improvement I could expect in this area.

I recently got my hands on an HP S01 and decided to give Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 a shot first.

Let the installer do its thing, used the Ubuntu Software app to install Plex server, and then a quick minute in Terminal to install and configure autofs to access the media.

Did a quick test and got the happy (hw) for both decoding and encoding.

No idea, but I’m interested in hearing what you find. I’m essentially looking to do a similar build.

Perhaps it’s because 22.04 LTS is what best supports the newer Intel CPUs? Ref to a post on the subject - [Guide] Hardware Transcoding: The JDM way! QuickSync and NVENC - #579 by Raize1

You went awry by using the Ubuntu Software (snap) to install Plex.

There’s no reason to use 12th-gen over 7th-gen. Just stick with that and you won’t run into any issues.

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Yes, I did that on purpose to see if it would work. I was prepared for it not to work. But given that it is all working, is there any reason not to just leave it?

You want a quick overview on snaps?

Snaps are slow to install, slow to start, take too much RAM, too much disk space and they auto-update themselves without asking, taking up bandwidth. They don't respect your system setting and snap versions of apps are often restricted compared to their non-snap counterpart.

Well, when you put it that way…

As another alternative, is there any reason not to use the Plex repo?