[Guide] Real-time Plex-to-Discord Notifications with Tautulli

well I wasn’t exactly spamming but sorry I was frustrated I’ve been trying to set this up for so long the test works but then when I add media nothing happens

So as a first step, have you had a look at the log file? If tautulli is unable to send the Web hook notification then there should be an error in there

i added the code but movie poster don’t show up. do you know why?

Check 3rd Party APIs and make sure you have atleast one set if that doesn’t fix it then it could be your not giving it enought time for Plex to add metadata to the media before Tautulli sends out the notification. You can check that in “Notifactions and Newsletter” > Recently Added Notification Delay

old post i know but really nice clean notification, been using it a while. Did you ever get a json sorted for recently added music albums? I’ve tried creating a few now but get a 404 - looks like its looking at the wrong metadata

If anyone is still reading this post and tries to use Senpai’s code, it won’t work in 2023, to be more precise, it stopped working on 10th of January :slight_smile: To fix it, you need to remove the empty values, username, avatar_url and content from the code, so basically delete lines 3, 4 and 4:

“username”: “”,
“avatar_url”: “”,
“content”: “”,

That should fix it.

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Found your forum this morning and came across this, fantastic was easy to follow and setup great guide still works in '23


To anyone reading this in 2024, I would suggest using Notifiarr and go to notifiarr.com to get started. It can do a lot more just add the Plex integration and setup how you like. I also highly recommend supporting the project (no sub required) to get access to some of the profile sync features for Sonarr and Radarr they are worth it.


I would also like to do it, but unfortunately I don’t know where to copy the code. I’m not an expert, unfortunately