Bricked Sun Oracle F80 - Recovery Possible?

Last fall I bought one of the F80s that presented as 4 separate 2.6TB drives instead of 4x 200GB. At the time I attempted the fix outlined in the guide posted by forum member @shnax but things errored out when I attempted to flash the card into IR mode.

Sun Oracle F80 800GB PCIe Flash Accelerator 7069200 - Fixing Incorrect Drive Capacity

As a result the card no longer shows up in ddcli or lsiutil, but is recognized when I run lspci in Unraid (screenshot below). I’m still able to read/write the card’s SBR using lsirec.

I am way over my head at this point so hoping more knowledgeable community members could help troubleshoot the issue and walk me through the steps to recover the card, if recovery is still possible.

For added background I’m currently running Unraid 6.9.1 with a Supermicro X8DTL-IF motherboard.

Thanks in advance!