ASUS H110I-PLUS Motherboard LGA1151 w/ I5-7400 CPU, 8GB, Heatsink & I/O Shield - $75

ASUS H110I-PLUS Motherboard LGA1151 w/ I5-7400 CPU, 8GB, Heatsink & I/O Shield

Info on the Asus H110I-PLUS can be found here.

If you combine this combo with an ITX case and appropriate PSU from the NAS Killer 6.0 guide, then all that’s left is storage!

$70 free shipping

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Mine has arrived in good condition. Appears to have no issues.

This is still in stock, and still a good deal.

Wondering if anyone who bought this knows if it supports bifurcation? The single PCIe slot is sort of limiting. I want to use a 2x m.2 card on this unit and wondering if it will work…

It does not bifurcate.

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So if I want to have 2 m.2 slots do I have any options or am I SOL?

realistically yes it can’t be done.
you can go get a pcie card with multiple slots and a switch but it would probably be twice to three times or more the cost of this board combo

Why do you need so many NVMe on this?

So right now I am running a bunch of services on one of my oTiS units and its starting to get worked pretty hard so I thought this might be a good upgrade.

That said, I want one of the slots for an nvme drive and the other for a google coral tpu which I use for Frigate.

Having thought about it a little more I’ll probably just get a regular sata ssd and then use the single nvme slot for the google coral.

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