[USA-IN] - 4X 8GB Hynix 2RX4 DDR3 1333MHz PC3-10600R Reg-DIMM ECC RAM

I’m an idiot who can’t thoroughly read instructions and bought 2RX4 instead of 2RX8 for the NAS Killer 2019 build.

This is 4 sticks with heat-spreaders. I cannot guarantee they work since I don’t have a motherboard that will run them, but the seller was highly rated and these were pulled from working servers.

I paid $60 on eBay. I’ll accept $40 and I’ll cover shipping in the lower 48.

No images at the moment, but here is the original post: https://www.ebay.com/itm/32G-For-Hynix-4X-8GB-2RX4-DDR3-1333MHz-PC3-10600R-Reg-DIMM-ECC-Server-Memory-RAM/302938494193?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649

Edit. Here’s a photo:

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Post some pics with timestamps when you have a chance. :slight_smile:

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