UK Introduction and my current builds

Hey everyone, just popping a short intro in here to say hi from the UK.

Can’t honestly remember where I found the link to the site, most probably the rabbit hole of posts and pages doing a google search, and clicking links to other places :grinning:

I’m here primarily due to PMS builds and hardware. I currently have a couple of boxes as my PMS. My main 24-7 driver is an HP Microserver Gen8 that I upgraded a while back and threw an E3 1260L into.

It’s nothing fancy with just 8gb ram in it and running Windows 10 off an SSD. Got 4 x 2TB WD Red drives in there setup in a RAID via Windows 10’s storage spaces.

All my media is stored off site and mapped using Rclone so the PMS is just pulling from off site. Because I love tinkering though, I’ve been flip flopping between upgrading and having all media on site and then staying as is. I just can’t make my mind up :laughing:

My other “box” is just a bit of an old school part time game rig with an i7 4770 in with an AMD 7990 GPU.