Troubleshooting Supermicro X9SCL-F Motherboard

I think the mobo in my second unRaid box may be having issues. It’s having issues powering up and when it reboots from an unclean shutdown it will power off during the parity check. I’ve already ran memtest multiple times on the sticks individually and in sets, and fully filled in. I’ve also replaced the power supply. At this point I think it may be the mobo that is having issues.

Is there anything I can do to trouble shoot it?

Supermicro X9SCL-F


It ended up being the power supply and something with the motherboard. I bought a X9SCM-F as a replacement and had a 2nd power supply to troubleshoot. The replacement motherboard powered right up with the 2nd power supply but not the original PSU. The old mother board wouldn’t power up even after resetting the BIOS and keeping the BIOS battery out for over 24 hours.