Alright I’ll start us off, let’s point and laugh at how much of my life has been wasted:
The worst part is that I have at least 2k more hours for ArmA 2 and ArmA 2: OA each, because I ran those independent of Steam for some time. Not to mention all of the games that just aren’t on Steam.
Go to the SteamDB calculator here and enter your SteamID to find your info
Highest account value (today’s prices): JDM_WAAAT $14818.00
Lowest account value (lowest prices): harrierpigeon $82.00
Highest avg. price (AAA moneywaster): Riggi $18.85
Lowest avg. price (Steam sale addict): harrierpigeon $10.86
Highest avg. price/hour (doesn’t have enough free time): manbearpig2012 $17.53
Lowest avg. price/hour (got his money’s worth): pixitha $6.32
Highest hours on record (gamer gunk enthusiast): Riggi 9,386h
Lowest hours on record: Mthrboard 38.7h
Highest average playtime: Riggi 59h
Lowest average playtime: Mazzy 5.1h