[Guide] Remote Gaming on Unraid

11. Network Configuration

I’m going to make you do things the right way with pfSense, not the “easy way”.
We will be making aliases for the IPs and ports that will be in use, in addition to the normal static IP and port forwarding.

1. Reserve a static IP for your VM. (click me)
  1. From your pfSense dashboard, click Status>DHCP Leases
  2. Find the VM that we created.
    Click the first + sign, and create a static mapping for its IP address.
  3. Use an IP that’s outside of your DHCP range, but in your network’s subnet.
    For me, my network is, and my DHCP range is .100 - .254 is not in use by any other device, and fulfills those conditions.
    Scroll all the way to the bottom and click “Save”.
2. Identify Ports needed by your applications (click me)
  1. Parsec needs 3 ports per remote connection.
    For ease of use, we’re going to forward a UDP port range of 30, for up to 10 remote players.
    This range is 8000:8029.
  2. Rainway requires UDP port 40136 to be forwarded for remote connections.
3. Create Aliases for IPs and ports. (click me)
  1. Navigate to Firewall>Aliases
    1. Navigate to IP
    2. Add a new entry (at the bottom)
    3. Fill out these fields with Name, Description, Type, and the IP that we set earlier.
      Save when you’re finished.
  2. Navigate to Firewall>Aliases
    1. Navigate to Ports
    2. Add a new entry (at the bottom)
    3. Fill out these fields with Name, Description, Type, and the port range we determined earlier.
      Save when you’re finished.
  3. Repeat the steps above for any and all IPs or ports that you would like to create an alias for.
4. Forward ports (click me)
  1. Navigate to Firewall>NAT>Port Forward
    Add a new entry.
  2. Fill out the following fields, using the Aliases we created.
    (interface, protocol, destination, destination port range, redirect target IP, redirect target port, and NAT reflection)
    Save changes when you’re done.

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