[Guide] Hardware Transcoding: The JDM way! QuickSync and NVENC

Here’s how I modified Mthrboard’s guide to Auto-Mounting filesystems in Linux to work for Windows shares using SMB/CIFS. My numbering matches up with Mthrboard’s guide.

  1. First, make sure you can manually mount the Windows share and access them in Ubuntu. To get to that point, I used the first half of this guide https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-mount-cifs-windows-share-on-linux/ but stopped before the part about “Auto Mounting”. The only thing to change from that guide is what Mthrboard said: Make a new folder in /mnt called smb, and mount your media directories in /mnt/smb, so /mnt/smb/tv, /mnt/smb/movies, etc. Don’t place the folders directly in /mnt.

Then install autofs, like in the Mthrboard guide

  1. When you edit the auto.master file, instead of

/mnt/nfs /etc/auto.nfsdb --timeout=0 --browse

use this as the last line instead:

/mnt/smb /etc/auto.cifs-shares --timeout=0 –browse

And then save the file.

Next, instead of creating a file


create the file:


In that file, make a separate line for each of your shared media directories similar to the Mthrboard guide but remove timeo=100 and noatime as they don’t exist in SMB, and change the format of your remote machine’s IP address:

films -fstype=cifs,ro,iocharset=utf8,credentials=/etc/win_cred,file_mode=0644,dir_mode=0755 ://

tv -fstype=cifs,rw,iocharset=utf8,credentials=/etc/win_cred,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 ://

films or tv is the name of each of your linux media folders you created inside /mnt/smb

ro should be rw if you use plex DVR, and I had to change file_mode and dir_mode to 0777.

The credentials directory should be wherever your windows username and password are stored as in the link in step 0, which should probably stay at /etc/win_cred

The final IP address is the IP address of your remote Windows machine, and the windows shared folder name.

Add additional lines like in Mthrboard’s guide for every SMB folder you want auto-mounted, but make sure you remove timeo=100 and noatime.

  1. Proceed with Mthrboard’s guide.

I pieced this together using this guide around the same time as this post was made.

Let me know if it helps! Reposting this because I accidentally deleted this post.

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