It looks like a SAS expander card inside. The PSU is M1Z-6420P3, the fan is a 80mm Y.S.TECH FD128032HB-P. I couldn’t find much info on either, esp cfm data on fan.
I will be using this in a apartment so noise is a concern for me. The PSU is 3x redundant. Does anyone know if these are very loud - my default assumption - and if Chenbro makes something like SuperMicro’s SQ quiet versions?
Whats a good replacement fan thats drop in compatible but quieter and with good airflow?
Anyone worked with these components? I have no idea how these work as a JBOD and what features they may have eg IPMI etc.
Odds are, it’s going to be very loud. Most likely unsuitable for an apartment. Might be better off with something else, or, if it’s got to be rackable, perhaps a Super Micro system that people already know how to quiet down.
Most of the time, fans are loud for a good reason, they’re pushing a lot of air. It’s not that they just didn’t bother locating quieter fans.
That’s what I’m afraid of. The SC846 etc seem much more popular, but also more expensive now. e.g. there are posts about replacing fan wall with 3x120mm and you can even buy the fan wall online.
this still seems much cheaper than building an equivalent 16 bay jbod when buying used. Hoping someone has used these and can help.