Audio client setup

I’m using an old laptop with apple-dac to connect to vintage speakers. The laptop has 128gb msata and wifi, I have linux installed.

Unraid houses my 3tbish music collection that is organized by genre/artist/album/disc/track

What’s the way to do this? MPD on laptop and point it to Unraid share and let the db build? Use various phone apps to then play?

Or use a combo client/server package, with the server on Unraid and client on laptop?

Container-ize one of the RPi types of things like Rune?

I really, really like Roon. It’s not cheap, but it’s absolutely the best.

I am also a user of roon and love it. If you are going in the upnp direction you would probably need to look at software like volumio, emby, plex, tversity and the like to act as upnp servers. You would then need a upnp client/control point like mpd to control the server. I don’t think any of these are free anymore. Bubblepnp (I think) is free and could get you part of the way there. So you need server software, roon or otherwise and you need a client of some kind to control the server and direct the audio output to an end point of some kind. Hope that helps.

I was considering ampache or some mpd container on Unraid, and then some client on the laptop (connected to speakers) that can be managed by phone.

I’m going to keep working on it, I’ve used Volumio in the past. I forget if it’s still being developed. Will post back with what I attempt. The reason against Room for now is $. If I hit too many problems, maybe it is the way.

In case you missed it, Roon has a free trial. On top of that they offer a subscription at $12.99/month billed monthly (or 9.99/month billed annually ~120).

I’d start with shairport-sync, and use the laptop as a airplay receiver. This seems to be a Howto: shairport-sync/ at development · mikebrady/shairport-sync · GitHub

I’m still using an old Chromecast Audio to stream, using Plex from the phone. When the CCA breaks, I’ll probably buy a HAT for a SBC and stream to it with shairport.