Adding SAS drives to an existing SATA drive server

I have small server that uses SATA drive from old computers. I recently inherited 2 SAS drives that I want to add to this system. My motherboard has an onboard SAS controller that support up to 8 SAS drives. I’ve seen conflicting info online regarding using but drive types in the same system.

Is this a valid solution? I have tried a few times to reconfigure the system, but I have not been able to see both drive types at the same time in unraid. Assuming it is valid, what are recommended step for setting both drive types?

It’s fine. There’s no particular reason to not use sas drives or to not mix them u less that reason is not having a sas controller which you have.

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You have the SAS controller so just make sure your cables end in the sff 8482 that a SAS drive needs

I’ve mixed and matched. It works, but there are a couple of downsides to them. They don’t report SMART data the same way as SATA drives, and it can be a hassle/impossible if you need to access their data from a different computer if you don’t have another SAS controller available.

If you can’t see the drives, they may be 4kn and your controller may only support 512e. I also had an issue with proxmox not playing nice passing individual 4kn drives into a virtual environment, I ended up passing the whole controller in to get it to work.