WD Deal shenanigans megathread

You can thank people that contacted Amazon asking when they would get their order.

My order was silently cancelled too.

Mine was silently cancelled as well. Oh well.

My order for one 10 TB drive was canceled this morning. The email said the price was incorrectly posted. Amazon gave me a $20 dollar gift card.

My 10tb was also canceled due to incorrect price and I was given a $20 gift card.

Same as most…16TB canceled and $20 credit. :broken_heart:

Same. Cancellation and $20 credit.

I never got an email or anything for my two 10TB orders. Just called and CS was able to give me a $50 courtesy credit.

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16Tb Cancelled $20 credit issued. Props to whoever called asking about the ship date. Come on mannnnn!

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I said earlier that my order was silently cancelled. I later got an email with a $20 credit like a number of other folks.

Still waiting to be heartbroken.

Anybody shucked one yet? Do they need the 3.3v mod?

Also, as I’ve never shucked any before, do you guys typically run some kind of “fitness” test on the drives before shucking and (possibly) voiding the warranty?

All white drives need 3.3v mod. Personally I just check the SMART in Crystal Disk Info before shucking.

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Thanks for the info JDM.

my drive arrived this morning a week earlier than expected to the uk.

Got this email about the one 16TB I ordered:

Not a guarantee its gonna come or anything but its interesting that its still progressing.

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Silent cancels for me. One $20 gift card.

Just got an email cancelling my 16TB order with $20 gc. Don’t know if I can be bothered calling to try get it.

Finally shucked

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