New To Site. DIY NAS

Hey, saw your post, thought I would add my two cents…

Here is my post that describes what I intend to do and build for my ‘to dos’

I do see the point in going with two machines, one for NAS and one for compute… But, the more I ventured into researching the idea of a home server, the more I saw the opportunity of what more I can do with it… Yes you could just run you storage system and a media system… But if you go the route of building a single system, you have more options to tinker with the concept of a single machine for the entire tech setup of your house… you could do the same thing with two system setup, but that I feel would be a little more expensive a route. If that is comfortable for you, then definitely go with two system setup for it will allow you to experiment without ever risking messing up your main storage… But for me the idea of having a seperate system didn’t fit in… so I decided to go to a route where upgrading is possible over time because I am creating a single setup… and if the power constraints yet come up… I can always go to the two system route… but just not be invested in it before hand, especially not with my first setup… I mean I don’t really know this world… so I might make a wrong purchase, so I felt the safer option was to create one system, where my main storage is backed up and that backup is never touched… so even if I make a mistake, I have my data… rest all my investment is going into my world of wonder… WHAT MORE CAN I DO?

(Just a different perspective where it’s not about solving my current requirement, but wondering what more can I do)