[Guide] Reverse Proxy via HAProxy + ACME on pfSense

In case anyone else finds themselves in the situation I solved it by:

  1. SSH to my pfsense box
  2. running pfctl -d to disable to firewall
  3. changing my firewall rules back to the WAN interface
  4. ran pfctl -e to re-enable the firewall

Although changing from Lan back to Wan now I cannot access emby server. I get a Cloud Flare error 521

You have a misconfiguration

Hello. Help me please. Can’t set it up…
I did everything according to these instructions. But still only one site opens from the outside. What could be the problem?
Everything is green in the statistics.

Hello. This is great instruction and working fine with my 3 web servers. But I have one web server worked only by https and must be on 443 port. How I can configure ha-proxy for this?

Thank you.